Providing low-barrier wellness services to
trans and gender diverse people

Statement of Ethics

At the Catherine White Holman Wellness Centre, people are free to self-determine their gender identity and expression.

We acknowledge and resist the harm done by the helping professions through the pathologization of gender diversity. Rather than diagnosing gender identities and expressions, we celebrate them.

We aim to provide health services for all gender diverse people, regardless of whether they desire medical or surgical interventions.

We believe in a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to health promotion.

We are committed to providing accessible, low-barrier services.

We embrace harm reduction practices, including a desire to meet people where they are and to walk alongside them as imperfect allies.

We are gender diverse community members and allies working with and for gender diverse community members.

We are committed to anti-oppression. This includes reflecting on our own privilege, being open to hearing that we have work to do to address internalized oppressive values, and being accountable.

We strive to be body-positive, sex-positive, asexual-friendly, kink-friendly, and poly-friendly.

As a community-directed centre, we are open to continual, constructive feedback from the communities we serve.