Providing low-barrier wellness services to
trans and gender diverse people

Legal Resources

Below are a number of resources available in British Columbia. Please note, this is not an exhaustive list, nor can the CWHWC vouch for the trans-inclusive practices of all the employees, volunteers or clients connected to these resources.

General Resources Counselling Resources Legal Resources

Access Pro Bono

many areas of law

We operate a free lawyer referral service and several pro bono programs serving the critical legal needs of people and non-profit organizations across BC.

Community Legal Assistance Society (CLAS)

community, mental health, human rights, other areas

CLAS is an umbrella organization consisting of a number of programs and projects. CLAS ensures that services are delivered by legal staff experienced in a specific area of the law, and that legal expertise is shared between programs when areas of law that we practice intersect.

Housing Law Clinic (TRAC)

residential tenancy (not for roommates or coops)

TRAC’s Housing Law Clinic Lawyer can provide free legal advice and/or representation for the following types of cases:

  • you would like a Supreme Court Judge to review your Residential Tenancy Branch decision for a serious error or unfairness;
  • you need help enforcing a Residential Tenancy Branch monetary order through Small Claims Court; or
  • your housing situation falls outside of the Residential Tenancy Act (e.g. co-operative housing) and you need legal assistance.

Immigration & Refugee Legal Clinic

immigration and refugee issues

We provide a range of free immigration and refugee legal services for low-income people in BC. We engage in litigation and advocacy that has the potential to have a wide-ranging impact on refugees and other migrants.

Indigenous Community Legal Clinic (ICLC)

Indigenous clients

The Indigenous Community Legal Clinic (ICLC) is an educational legal clinic of the Peter A. Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia that provides legal services to the Indigenous community. The ICLC may be able to provide advice, assistance and representation to eligible clients who cannot afford a lawyer and who self-identify as Indigenous persons.

Law Students’ Legal Advice Program (LSLAP)

law students many areas of law

LSLAP is a non-profit run by law students at the Peter A. Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia. We provide free legal advice and representation to clients in the Lower Mainland who would otherwise be unable to afford legal assistance.


finding a community advocate who is not a lawyer

The Find an Advocate tool has been integral to PovNet’s goal of connecting people. When it first launched, it was to connect advocates working outside of Vancouver with others and with up to date resources. Today that remains to be the case, as advocates working in small or rural communities often work in isolation. Find an Advocate is also helpful for people who need assistance from a legal advocate, as it allows them to find one that is nearest to them or one that serves people provincially.


family law

We are a community legal centre providing accessible legal services that are responsive to the unique needs of self-identifying women. Rise clients are often caught in the gap between being ineligible for legal services yet unable to afford legal representation. We offer unbundled legal services in the area of family law, and can also assist with some immigration matters.

PACE Society

gender self-determination project

This project is open to all trans, two-spirit, and non-binary persons to assist with legally changing their names and gender markers on government identification. There is currently a waitlist (approximately 4-6 months) for access to the program.