providing low-barrier wellness services to
trans and gender diverse people

Here’s Our Number. Call Us, Maybe?

We have a brand new clinic phone line! Our number is 604 442 4352. Volunteers will monitor this phone Monday to Friday between the hours of 9am and 7pm, as well as during regular clinic hours. If nobody answers, rest assured that if you leave a message with your name and contact info, someone will return your call shortly.

This is not an emergency number. If you are having a medical emergency, please go to your nearest emergency room.

Please note we do not book appointments over the phone at this time. Email remains the best way to do that. The phone line is for requests for information, and requests to speak to a doctor about pressing, non-emergency concerns. One more thing! If you’ve been contacting Marria on her cell, you are welcome to continue using that number.

We look forwarding to hearing from you!

If you have the means to do so, please consider donating to support our work. We provide free legal and wellness services to Two-Spirit, transgender and gender non-conforming people across British Columbia, Canada.