providing low-barrier wellness services to
trans and gender diverse people

Statement on solidarity with the Palestinian people

A person in a pro Palestine protest, carrying a backpack and waving a Palestinian flag, while holding a sign that reads: "free Palestine, end genocide". Many signs in the background, one of which reads: "free Gaza".
Photo credit: Hayf Photography

CWHWC expresses unequivocal solidarity with the Palestinian people, both in Palestine and globally. As an organization operating on the ancestral, unceded, and stolen lands of Indigenous peoples on Turtle Island, we recognize our duty to speak out against settler colonialism. Understanding the profound repercussions of settler colonialism on trans and gender diverse individuals, we acknowledge the interconnected harms inflicted on Indigenous peoples’ bodies, cultures, and environment.

Our commitment to the rights of civilian non-combatants to live free from the fear of violence extends to civilians in Israel and Palestine. We advocate for their entitlement to the protections outlined in international law, designed to address the actions of state actors.

Firmly believing in the right of Palestinians as indigenous people to reclaim their land, we denounce the 75-year occupation of Palestine, Gaza, and the West Bank. We characterize Israel’s forced resettlement of Palestinians, settlement of their lands, and discriminatory restrictions on Palestinians as forms of apartheid and colonization. Moreover, we categorize the current Israeli military interventions in the Gaza strip as ethnic cleansing and genocide.

Our stance emphasizes supporting the sovereignty and self-determination of the Palestinian people without external influence, aligning with our solidarity with all Indigenous people forcibly displaced from their territories. We reject the pink-washing tactics employed by the state of Israel to reshape its international image.

We amplify the urgent call for an immediate ceasefire, urging the Canadian government to do the same. Additionally, we demand the release of hostages and immediate provision of healthcare, an end to the bombardment of any part of Palestine, and Israel’s compliance with its international law commitments, including allowing humanitarian access.

Calling for the immediate demobilization of Israeli soldiers and an end to the occupation and settlement of Gaza and the West Bank, we advocate for the rights of full citizenship, free mobility, and freedom from discrimination for Palestinians in the occupied areas. Our hope is for a resolution to this conflict guided by the rule of law and devoid of violence, supporting religious freedom for Muslims and Jews while opposing all forms of hate.

Acknowledging our own experiences of public hatred, we condemn all manifestations of Islamophobia and antisemitism, both domestically and internationally. We extend a call to organizations supporting Two Spirit, queer, and trans communities to join us in this appeal.

Furthermore, we offer support to the impacted SWANA trans and nonbinary community, providing limited capacity counselling, resources to access such services, and some limited capacity legal advice. We encourage those in need to reach out.

The CWHWC Team

If you have the means to do so, please consider donating to support our work. We provide free legal and wellness services to Two-Spirit, transgender and gender non-conforming people across British Columbia, Canada.